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What’s New?


Eduardo and I are right in the thick of startjng this business. Building a foundation that can be built upon. We are doing All. The. Things!

Besides the tortillas and salsa, we've got a lot of exciting things cooking.

Our very own commercial kitchen is coming along nicely--we are hoping to have it ready for the end of the month. Cross your fingers, pray, send all the good vibes with us. We've had requests for everything from hosting fun cooking nights to adding new products like refried beans. Having our own kitchen opens the doors for all kinds of possibilities and other cool stuff and we are really looking forward to all the new opportunities.

We've got new labels in the works for our Salsa Rafa that will include all the nutrition facts and barcodes. We are looking forward to making our Salsa Rafa available at a store near YOU!

As our tortillas gain popularity, we are exploring ways to scale up our production. And while being in Manitoba means contending with what are likely the strictest regulations all of North America, we are confident that we will overcome these obstacles. We will keep pushing onward and upward on our mission to Share the Joy of Mexico with all of you.

We are so grateful to everyone who enjoys our tortillas and salsas; those of you who look for us at the markets, and at Folklorama; those who talk about our food and express your genuine love and curiosity for Mexico. Thanks for joining us on this journey!

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